Web Site Statistics Package Update updated:1/29/07 2:30 pm PT The software that provides site statistics has been upgraded. The new version tracks traffic sources more accurately and provides increased performance.
Email Server Upgrade updated:8/17/06 2:23 pm PT The mail server was upgraded to handle more capacity. During the upgrade process no emails were lost or delayed.
E-Mail Filters Detect Over 99% of Spam updated:3/15/05 10:35 am PT Recent tests have indicated that the spam filtering success rate for our mail servers has surpassed 99%. If you are not currently utilizing our spam filters, contact our Support Department for more information.
Mail Server Antivirus updated:3/01/04 5:35 pm PT Updated Mail Server Virus Definitions for all W32/Netsky@mm variants.Source: F-Prot Antivirus
Web-based E-mail updated:9/02/03 11:45 pm PT Boot Networks is currently testing software that will allow our clients to access their email from a web browser. Many companies have implemented this feature, but have ignored the security risks involved.These companies that offer web-based email(including Yahoo and Hotmail) do not encrypt your web browser based email sessions leaving your password and email messages vulnerable. Boot Networks has always made security a top priority and will not implement this feature until we feel it offers the security our customers expect.
Testing Spam Filters updated:9/02/03 11:39 pm PT Boot Networks has been testing spam filters on our mail server for the past 3 months. These filters will be implemented on the client side to insure that no emails are lost. Once we feel these filters are accurate, we will post instructions for implementing them in our clients' email software.
E-mail Redundancy updated:9/02/03 11:23 pm PT Boot Networks recently implemented an industry first. As one of the first webhosting companies to provide fully redundant e-mail to all of their account holders, Boot Networks continues to demonstrate our dedication to our customers.Now, should any Boot Networks mail server be unreachable due to network or server issues, backup mail servers will handle all incoming mail. Keep in mind, that with a 99.99% uptime for our mail servers, this feature is hardly needed.

Web Site Statistics Package Update
Email Server Upgrade
E-Mail Filters Detect Over 99% of Spam
Mail Server Antivirus
Web-based E-mail
Testing Spam Filters
E-mail Redundancy
voice/fax: 1.949.891.BOOT(2668)
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